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Teacher-Equipper Application
Our Story
What We Do
Meet Teachers - Equippers
Student - Member Application
Encounters Gallery
Teacher-Equipper Application
Heart Encounters
Our Story
What We Do
Meet Teachers - Equippers
Student - Member Application
Encounters Gallery
Teacher-Equipper Application
Teacher Class Guide
This guide provides the information needed to post your class or events on the Heart Encounters website. This is one of the primary ways students find your classes.
A circle at the end of a line means to click for helpful hints
Indicates required field
Teacher's Name
Class Subject or Topic Name
Can be a class, tutoring, a seminar, event. symposium, forum, etc
Age Range of Students in the Class (if applicable)
# of Students in the Class (if applicable)
Can be a private lesson, a group, or both. Indicate class size limit if applicable.
Prerequisite Skill or Efficiency if Required
If the class requires a certain level of learning, explain. (Example: student must take Pottery 1 before registering for Pottery 2).
Class Duration
Can be a one time event, a class that lasts for weeks or months, an ongoing class, that has no start or end date, a drop-in class, private lessons. (Example: 2 hours, 3 weeks, 2 months, 1 year, ongoing, according to student's progress, etc.)
Start Date (if applicable)
Drop-in classes or individually scheduled classes may not need a start date.
End Date (if applicable)
Drop-in classes and individually scheduled classes may not need an end date.
Start Time of Class - AM or PM
If you and your student need to agree on times, explain available times or things the student needs to know if their schedule needs to work with your schedule. (Example: Only available Wednesday and Friday from 3 - 5pm, etc.)
End Time of Class - AM or PM
If you and your student need to agree on times, explain available times or things the student needs to know if their schedule needs to work with your schedule. (Cannot schedule on weekends, etc)
Meeting Frequency (if applicable)
Example: 2 times a week, Monthly, Quarterly, etc.
Day or Days the class Meets
Can meet 5 days a week, a few days a week, certain days of the month, once a month for a year, etc.
Do you want to offer a free introductory class
This is helpful for you and the student to decide if the class is a good fit. It is also a good advertising tool.
Room # Request
We cannot always accommodate room requests. If a room is not already being used, we try to make the requested room available for you.
Class Cost
Indicate whether you want to charge for each class (each time your meet), or for a an entire class. (Example - pay up front for a 6 week class, pay weekly, pay hourly or for a one time seminar, etc). Classes can be free.
Materials and Supplies - Are they covered in the cost of the class or are they extra? If extra, what are they?
Explain any additional costs. If the student needs to purchase books, art supplies or any other materials, tell them how much, when to pay and what is covered in the additional cost.
Class Description
Explain what the student will learn, what they will do, the purpose of the class. Be creative about how you describe your class.
Phone Number